10+ years of experience, creating, designing, and managing digital experiences across multiple platforms, such as interactive campaigns, large scale portals, and mobile applications…
Currently: Cosmicode. Previously: RGBteam, C-Section, Integral Menkul Degerler and more… Check my LinkedIn profile or download my CV.
The personal playground of Firat Kodaz. The alter ego. Cosmicode by day, Firat by night; doing things that matter.
Cosmicode’s mission is to provide streamlined digital advertising & design services to start-ups that are exclusively tailored to fit their needs and resources. Besides helping start-ups, Cosmicode is developing its own products for the digital universe.

We worked together with Firat for more than a year. Even though he joined the team as a frontend developer, he was definitely of much more use to the team. He has the experience / know-how / mindset of a fullstack developer and was more than capable of handling both aspects of coding in a team, backend and frontend. It amazed me how comfortable it was for him to adopt new technologies and/or new development languages. Besides from the fact that he successfully completed the tasks he was given before their due dates, he is one of those guys who take the time to benchmark, double-check what he has done and take the initiative to crank it up a notch and work on a feature or necessity of the project that he foresees.
I worked with many software and technology personnel before, so I’m not exaggerating when I say this, as I would not say it about most of them, I would sincerely and definitely work with Firat again in the future, and really hope our paths will cross again, as he is apart from being an important asset for any team, he is an absolutely delightful force one can rely on.
We have worked with Fırat on a number of major projects at the C-Section Agency. He was always the first choice among all project managers in the agency.
Although he defined himself as a front end developer, he was a big contributor to the projects with his back end side.One of the biggest improvements in working with the Fırat, was that the projects were ready always before the deadline.
In addition to his quick and clean work, he takes his project to the top after the latest developments in the digital world.
His passion for learning something new, leads the team to develop as much as he does his own work.The closeness of the human relation has allowed him to acquire very close friends even in a difficult field such as business. 🙂